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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

For centuries the sales funnel has been an integral to traditional business and marketing. It seems like the topic of funnels in online-based businesses is becoming more and more common.

The truth of the matter is that folks want to know more about this marketing concept and the best way to apply it in their online business marketing efforts. Continue reading if you want to learn more on the sales funnel to ensure Internet marketing success.

What is the Sales Funnel?

No, a marketing funnel isn't a real funnel. The reason for using the term "funnel" for this concept of marketing is to help visualize and explain a sales process from the beginning to the end. The funnel provides a clear comparison because it permits potential customers to be "Unqualified prospects" at the top and narrower chances for conversions to sales at the bottom.

The "unqualified prospects" Also known as those who aren't qualified, will be at the top of the funnel. These are people who may need your products or services but haven't been approached before. After a few sales and promotions, you will have gotten people who have purchased your product or service.

A lead generation funnel's effectiveness is due to its capability to monitor the actions of your prospects throughout the expanded sales process. By using the sales funnel to determine the amount of prospects who are qualified at every step, you will be able to predict how many potential customers are likely to become customers.

It is possible to use a sales funnel to determine where and how your sales process is succeeding or failing, and if you are not getting enough customers. This information helps you choose the best place to focus your efforts to ensure that sales are on the right level and to meet marketing goals. It helps monitor and manage the sales process of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top - Front - End

The uppermost part of your sales funnel is going to be the most active part of your process and requires the most consistent testing. There are literally no end of front-end ideas. Your imagination and your resources are the only limitations.

The primary goal is to get new customers and convert them to buyers.

When a prospect decides to sign up or purchases the product or service you provide, they are "qualified". This is the stage in the sales funnel where the potential client or "Unqualified prospect" becomes a qualified leads because they have taken actions which show they are sufficiently interested to buy your product.

You need to drive targeted traffic on your website, blog or squeeze page in order for your front-end to work. PPC adverts, articles marketing PPC advertising, social media like Google+, Twitter and Facebook, YouTube, banners as well as blogging, forum posting and content marketing are all great resources.

There are many methods to "qualify" an "unqualified prospect. One of the best methods to determine the quality of prospects is to create an online squeeze page. This allows you provide something valuable to your product that users can receive for free or at a substantially lower cost in exchange for their name and email. Products offered include newsletters as well videos ebooks, eBooks, email courses and related reports.

We can see that the front-end of your sales funnel is where people are drawn into your sale funnel. But what do you think of the back-end?


The Back-End, or Bottom of The Funnel

The back or bottom of your sales funnel is the place where the majority of sales and profits are generated. It typically contains your highest priced products. They are all relevant to the same audience, but they are offered in various formats, such as audio, video and live interactions.

The primary difference between the front end and back-end lies in the type of customer as well as the price of the service or product that is being provided.

It's the case that only a small percent, maybe 1 to 2 percent of the people entering your front-end will be able to make it into your back-end. That's alright, due to the fact that this select small percentage will invest a much larger amount of money.

You see, that while front end products and services can cost under $100, back-end items and services typically cost in the 100s or 1000's. This make the back-end or bottom of the funnel sales funnel to be the primary source of income for your Internet business, it's also the most reliable and stable area in this sales process.

Like I said, the sales funnel may be as easy or complex as your imagination or resources permit.

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