National Park of Hawaii Volcanoes
On the Big Island of Hawaii, you may take a walk over two extremely active volcanoes
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, located on the island of Hawaii's Big Island, contains 140 miles of hiking trails that weave through an alien terrain of lava fields, craters, cinder cones, and steam vents.
There is no other national park like it in the United States on Hawaii's Big Island, which is located on the island's western side. Deep craters, crusty cinder cones, boiling vents, pumice piles, and blackened lava fields up to 3 miles wide, studded with mounds of flora, may be seen along the eastern slope of the volcano, southwest of the town of Hilo, creating a science fiction landscape. Volcanoes National Park is located on the island of Hawaii.
Kilauea and Mauna Loa, two of the world's most active volcanoes, are located on the island. It encompasses both fire and ice, from the molten rivers of lava spilling into the sea from Kilauea to the snowfields on the peak of Mauna Loa, and all in between.
Volcanoes are responsible for its formation
The park encompasses around 333,000 acres of land, which is larger than the island of Molokai, which lies adjacent to it. And it's only going to become bigger. In less than two decades, lava pouring from Kilauea has increased the size of the island by 600 acres.
Volcanoes were responsible for the formation of Hawaii. This line of eight big islands and 124 smaller islands arose from masses of lava that had accumulated on the ocean bottom over 70 million years as a result of violent eruptions on the ocean floor.
Mauna Loa is the world's tallest and most massive mountain, standing at 8,023 meters. It rises to a height of 56,000 feet above sea level, approximately twice the height of Mount Everest. Its base is located on the ocean bottom. The last time it erupted was in 1984.
Kilauea erupted in a series of eruptions that have continued for more than a year, making them the longest eruptions in recorded history. Hot lava rises up through the earth's crust or erupts in a blaze of flaming fountains. Liquefaction tracks move down the hill, burning everything in their path as they go. Eventually, they flow over cliffs into the sea, causing gas clouds to rise into the air.

Highlights of the Park
The park is one of the few spots on the planet where visitors may safely observe volcanic activity up close. An International Biosphere Reserve and a World Heritage Site, it has been designated by the United Nations Environment Programme. Here are a few of the additional attractions at the park:
A total of 140 kilometers of hiking paths snake across a diverse range of terrain, taking visitors through the twisting vistas of crater rims and solidified lava fields, as well as lush rain forest and tropical beaches.
The Crater Rim Drive is an 11-mile route that encircle the top of Kilauea, which rises to 4,000 feet. It travels over the caldera floor and includes picturesque pathways and clearly defined stations that provide views of boiling craters and other natural phenomena.
Sulphur Banks: These steam vents, where sulfuric gases are discharged, are distinguished by their fluorescent yellow rocks and the foul odor of rotten eggs.
Thurston Lava Tube: This natural tube, which was produced by molten lava, is tall enough to be walked through while standing erect.
The Chain of Craters Road is a steep 20-mile drop down Kilauea's southern slopes that offers spectacular views of lava fields, craters, and the shoreline far below. It is a popular tourist attraction.